Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Welcome to Pius Square

Buenas tardes, todos.


I would like to introduce you to my first blog, where I will try to fill you all in on my little adventures, petty grievance, and dubious observations as I collect them down here deep in the heart of Lima, Peru. My hope and expectation is that eventually I will find something worthwhile for you to read. Meanwhile, look at this fancy picture.

This is where I live

While I am here, let me give an update to those of you wondering how I am doing.

First, it must be said that there is something unholy that a city located so close to the equator and at sea level should be so cold. What is really strange is that the temperature never drops below 12 or so, yet Lima is able to generate such humidity as to be brutal. I only exaggerate a little.  That and the automobiles - the endless, restless swarm of noisy, honky, alarmy, menacing cars - conspire to make the atmosphere a bit too grey and damp. Such that I now have a touch of the flu, and am forced to write with a baby alpaca scarf wrapped around my neck vainly trying to keep me healthy.

Why oh why?

My only hope.

Sorry, had to get the major complaints out of the way.

Other than that, am adjusting relatively well, as could be expected since I have been here plenty of times before. People at work are nice, I've been able to get out to a few bars, concerts, and even saw a homage to a well-loved Peruvian poet on the 10th anniversary of his passing. Cesar Calvo born in the jungle metropolis of Iquitos, who made a name for himself in Lima with his melancholic verse and famed womanizing in the 60s (he might have even sung a song called Suzanne, but I am not sure). His poet friends told stories of their time together, his work, and exploits. All of which was touching and clever. I only understood about 20% of it.

Did Cesar and Leonard hang?

(So, maybe I can use this blog for this - to introduce my faithful to neat Peruvian stuff. I hereby suggest that you all check out Cesar, and the modern pop-rock-dance fusionist Miki Gonzalez.)

Being in city-sprawl, it is much much harder to be active than say in green Ottawa, where I have been spoiled by my ability to run off and play in the woods. So have tried out yoga en Lima to deal with my back that aches (I threw it out after packing, moving, and moving and unpacking), and that is the limit of my physical exertion thus far. Eventually, my dream is to learn to surf too. As you may well know unless you are sad and ignorant, Lima is on the coast and sees pretty good waves. So, to escape the city, I am forced to swim out into the ocean. Should be fun.

Me and my eventual surfer buddies

My refuge in all of this sprawl is currently under renovations, so I am stationed at a very nice temporary apartment mere steps from the Great Canadian Lodge (also known as the Embassy). It has nice features like a balcony (so I can curse at the cars driving by), free internet, a big screen TV where I can watch endless soccer and, very surprisingly, the Mighty Boosh! Amazingly, the walls of this building are unable to spare me from any of the damp cold, while simultaneously drawing away all of the heat from my body.

They understand my pain

My new place will be much larger, but in an older, and let's say uniquely designed building. Saw it today for the first time, and it became very evident that I will have much needless space, and can comfortably accommodate 6 people before using a couch, a further extra room, or putting more than 2 people to a bed. (yes, I am asking for visitors). It also overlooks a most serene park named after the most serene (and fairly controversial) Pope Pius the XII (hence the name of this blog). Mom would be happy at least.

I know you are all sitting there dying with questions like:

So, when will you get to go out and visit exotic ancient cities in the jungle?
How are you surviving without your shipment of 14 Nutella bottles?
How's your bum?

But, amigos y amigas, all in time, all in time. It is late, I am tired, and so I go now to wrap myself in a blanket, lie by the useless heater, and wait out this cold, cold night.

Fret not, adventures, or at least awkward cultural mishaps, await!!




  1. That's a very nice blogger's photo.

  2. hey bro i just might end up coming to see you this winter . . . i have 5 days left of vacation and no plans . . . i don't know if we can share the same living space again but perhpas both of us have grown since milan. ;-)

    love blog bud. awesome job. almost as cool as the band. looking forward to seeing you fall on your ass in those surfing shots.

    con dios!
